Grizzly Man

Starring: Timothy Treadwell
Directed by: Werner Herzog
Rating: R
Genre: Documentary

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Documentary that follows Timothy Treadwell, an activist who spend long stretches in the Alaskan wilderness trying to protect the grizzly bears. He was killed by one of the very bears he was trying to protect.


Tim: Director Werner Herzog gives us a tragic, hilarious, heartbreaking documentary about Timothy Treadwell, an eccentric, unique individual who felt it was his calling to protect grizzly bears in Alaska. Unfortunately, for him, he and his girlfriend were killed by the very bears they were trying to protect. The documentary shows Treadwell to be a troubled, dedicated man who believed it was his destiny to protect the grizzlies. He felt he shared a connection with them deeper than anything people could understand. Although aware of the danger, he seemed oblivious to the fact that he could be killed, despite taking multiple risks.

The documentary shows interviews with a number of Treadwell's family and friends, as well as footage Treadwell shot of himself, mostly of his rantings against people who would "hurt" the bears. As we watch this seemingly unstable man, cooing about how much he loves the bears and raging against his enemies, we begin to feel a sense of both admiration and pity. The documentary is very often heartbreaking, as we are left wondering what to make of this tragic, seemingly disturbed individual- this is where director Werner Herzog does his finest work- by not coming down on one side or the other, but leaves the final decision on Treadwell- whether heroic or insane- up to us.

Grizzly Man is a harrowing, powerful look at the life and tragic death of a unique individual who felt it was his mission in life to "save" the wild grizzlies in Alaska, yet in an ironic twist, was killed by them. You will enjoy Herzog's portrait of this unbelievably unique human being.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 8

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