
Starring: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris (voice)
Directed by: Alfonso Cuaron
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: Two astronauts (Sandra Bullock, George Clooney) fight for survival after a disaster destroys their shuttle, leaving them stranded in space.


Tim: Gravity is probably the most stunning, impressive achievement of 2013. I loved this movie. It's no surprise that it won 7 Academy Awards, because it truly is a landmark film. Alfonso Cuaron is a director which incredible talent and this film is likely his crown jewel (so far).

I love the simple nature of the story- an astronaut is stranded in space and must fight to survive. While that is very straightforward, it creates great tension and suspense. This is a film that sucks you into the story and never lets go. I can't remember another film that gripped me so strongly, so early in the movie (within the first two minutes), and then delivered a thrilling, hold-your-breath experience until the last few seconds. Cuaron creates a truly immersive experience.

This film is an incredible technical achievement. It's no surprise that the movie won 7 Academy Awards- Best Cinematography, Best Director, Best Film Editing, Best Original Score, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing, and Best Visual Effects. While the film only picked up one of the biggest awards (I think this is a superior film to 12 Years a Slave), it still represents a major accomplishment. The film is gorgeous to look at, from the stunning views of Earth to the massive, silent destruction of the space shuttle, to the loneliness and isolation that comes from being stranded in outer space. These all are presented in incredible fashion. I didn't want to take my eyes off the screen for a second. The film as a whole is fairly breathtaking.

While small, the cast is very good. Sandra Bullock is pretty incredible (nominated for Best Actress). This must have been a difficult role, as most of her scenes are closeups of her face. She does a terrific job of showing the fear, tension, and stress that one would experience during such a catastrophe. While I don't think she had enough to win the Academy Award, I'm glad she was nominated for this strong performance. George Clooney was a great supporting player. He brought charisma and charm to the film and I really enjoyed his performance. Ed Harris was brilliantly cast as the voice of Mission Control. Most people had no idea he was involved in the production, but he contributed to the film quite well.

Gravity is an incredible story of survival, of human endurance. It's a story that simultaneously reminds us how fragile human life is, and how incredibly strong we can be. It's a story that explores the lengths we will go through to survive. We see a wide range of emotions and actions displayed by the characters- fear, hope, kindness, self-sacrifice, denial, acceptance, and willpower. This is a story about space, but it's really a story of humanity. I don't think I really understood the film until that final moment, where it all comes full circle. This is an incredible achievement and in my opinion, the best film of 2013.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 8.5

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