Good Will Hunting

Starring: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Robin Williams, Stellan Skarsgaard, Minnie Driver
Directed by: Gus Van Sant
Genre: Drama
Rating: R
Box Office: $

Times Seen:
Tim: 3

Summary: At MIT, janitor Will Hunting (Matt Damon) is a genius. However, he has turned his back on his gift, choosing instead to live an unglamorous life with his best friend (Ben Affleck). When a mathamatics professor (Stellan Skarsgaard) and a talented pyschologist (Robin Williams) try to convince him to embrace his talent, Will must face giving up his friends and his new love interest (Minnie Driver) to embrace his intellectual superiority.


Tim: The most surprisingly thing about this movie is that it was writeen by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, who also star in it, and the film is incredible. This is even more amazing looking back at the string of bad films that followed this one (moreso for Affleck than Damon).

Films about geniuses are always fascinating and this one takes the approach that the genius here is a troubled kid from the wrong part of town. His internal struggle unfolds slowly and this is where the film is brilliant.

Damon is excellent as the titular prodigy. He has the perfect blend of intelligence and street toughness. He is just solid in the role. Affleck is decent, and surprisingly, has perhaps the best speech in the film, about the "best part of his day"- watch for it near the end because it is great. Robin Williams impresses with his dramatic and Academy Award winning turn. He is heartfelt, emotional, and inspirational. I can't stand Minnie Driver, and she is not worth talking about. I wish someone else had been cast in her role.

The film works as a powerful drama as well as a character study. The character of Will Hunting is one of the most multidimensional, interesting characters I have seen in a long time. Damon should be given credit for bringing him to life both in print and on the screen.

Good Will Hunting is a great film in every sense. There is excellent acting, a solid script, and enough entertainment to keep you enjoying it no matter what your age or other demographic. Many of these types of films feel so similar that they aren't interesting. This movie is different- refreshingly so.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 8.5

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