Godzilla Raids Again

Starring: Hiroshi Koizumi, Setsuko Wakayama, Minoru Chiaki
Directed by: Motoyoshi Oda
Rating: Not rated
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Godzilla returns to wreck havoc on Japan once again, but this time, he must also battle Anguirus, a giant ankylosaur.


Tim: The first Godzilla sequel is not nearly effective as its predecessor, but it still makes for an interesting movie. While the original film was impressive in its scope and storytelling, this movie becomes much more of a simple monster movie. Gone are the ruminations on the evils of nuclear weapons. Instead, we get a simple monster v. monster battle. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it prevents this movie from being as effective as it could have been.

I enjoyed watching this movie because it was the first time Godzilla battled another giant monster (he would do so ad nauseum in subsequent films). While Anguirus isn't the most memorable monster, I had to admit I experienced some joy watching a giant fire-breathing repitle battle a giant ankylosaur. I know these are just people in rubber suits, but some of the battle sequences are actually quite good. Of course, there is a great deal of death and destruction, as we expect.

This movie is not as good as its predecessor because the human story is not as effective. I never really cared too much about the two pilots and their families. Yes, there were a few good moments here, but as a whole, the movie lacks true character development. There are also a few really weak scenes which drag the movie down. There are a few airplane battles, specially one with Godzilla partially trapped in ice that goes on way, way too long. It was almost laughable how dragged out these scene became. It hurts the movie greatly.

Godzilla Raids Again suffers from some of the typical problems of sequels. It set out to be bigger (two monsters, instead of one!) but it trades bigger for better. There are less interesting characters, more boring moments, and less important social commentary. If you are looking purely for mayhem and destruction (which I often am), then this movie should at least provide most of what you are looking for. However, if you want movies to do a little more and actually make an impact, then you will find this film to be lacking. I partially enjoyed this movie, but that is simply not enough.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Gojira, Godzilla: King of the Monsters