God's Not Dead

Starring: Kevin Sorbo, Shane Harper, Dean Cain, David A.R. White, Korie Robertson, Marco Khan
Directed by: Harold Cronk
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A college philosophy professor (Kevin Sorbo) demands that his students sign a petition that states God is Dead. One student (Shane Harper) refuses.


Tim: God might not be dead (which I honestly believe), but this movie kinda made me wish I was. I'm all for films with a deeper message, that makes us think about what we believe and who we are. I like films that contribute something to the religion discussion, even if they are controversial. There is a real place for thought-provoking films like that. Unfortunately, God's Not Dead does not belong in that conversation. This is a poorly made, pro-Christian propaganda film that patronizes the audience's intellect. This is an awful film.

The biggest problem is that the movie is a one-dimensional look at religion. In this film, everyone who believes in God is a kind, warm, wonderful human being. Everyone who doesn't believe in God is a selfish, despicable scumbag who ruins the lives of others. There is no subtlety here. The deck is stacked in the pro-faith camp. The movie feels extremely manipulative. I hated that aspect of the film. It pandered to the lowest common denominator viewers- those who don't really want to think, they just want to sit with their minds turned off and watch something that 100% reinforces their already-established viewpoints. That is really, really sad, because this film could have still delivered the same message in a mature, intelligent, thought-provoking manner. Instead, this film shows its bias early and often.

I actually believe the basic story could have worked really well- a college professors asks students to proclaim that God is dead, and one religious student stands up to immense pressure and refuses. That could have been a fascinating, powerful story. Unfortunately, the movie botches every potential strength it has. The idea of a college professor going to absurd lengths on the 'God is dead' point is just ridiculous. The professor at one point basically threatens the student. The way this whole thing was portrayed was so outlandish and ridiculous that I had to laugh. The professor is guilty of intimidating, bullying, and badgering his student. It just seemed so dumb. Other characters react in poorly written, unrealistic ways. The main character's girlfriend breaks up with him for no discernible reason. I'm trying to understand where she was coming from, but it just made no sense. The poor script never makes her actions seem even the least bit believable.

There's also a subplot of two priests trying to take a trip to a theme park or something. In incredibly obvious and ridiculous ways, God prevents them from leaving. Even this could have worked well. It needed a touch of subtlety, but none was found. It was supposed to be a bit of comic relief while also pushing the film's agenda, but it just seemed so stupid. It's the kind of thing that happens in a poorly written Christian film, not in anything resembling real life.

Honestly, God's Not Dead completely botches any potential it might have had. I believe with all the messages the film was trying to convey. I take issue with the way the message was portrayed. In addition, this is just a boring, poorly acted film that felt like it was made for television. Movies like this will set back any attempts to introduce more faith-based films in Hollywood.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 4

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