
Starring: Ben Kingsley, Candice Parker, Martin Sheen, Edward Fox, Trevor Howard
Directed by: Richard Attenborough
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Mohandas Gandhi (Ben Kingsley) brought the doctrine of nonviolence to India, helping the country to claim its independence and revolutionizing the way the world viewed resistence.


Tim: This film is a masterpiece. It embodies everything you would expect from a historical epic, telling the fascinating story of one of history's most unassuming and important figures. Mohandas Gandhi is an incredibly interesting person and I love this movie for bringing his story to life.

This movie works because of the performance of Ben Kingsley. He gives a landmark performance, transforming himself into Gandhi. There were times when I could hardly believe I was watching Kingsley. He morphs into the role, and plays it more brilliantly than anyone else ever could. His performance is remarkable, memorable, and mesmerizing. I had a hard time taking my eyes off him, every second he is on screen. He won the Academy Award for Best Actor and I find it difficult to think of other performances more deserving of the honor. I loved him in this movie.

I also need to mention the direction of Richard Attenborough. This film had the perfect actor for the part, but that would not matter if the movie around him did not work. Attenborough gives us a long (188 minutes, but every one counted) movie that never feels bloated or drawn out. Every scene needed to be included. I'm often critical of films that balloon to ridiculous lengths, but this is one movie that needed every second of its screen time. I loved watching this movie.

Perhaps most stunning about this movie is the emotional impact it makes. Gandhi's life touched and changed millions, and this movie will have a profound impact on you as well. I can't remember the last time I was so inspired and moved after watching a movie. I truly thought about my own life and how I could live a better one. That is one of the many legacies the real Gandhi left behind, and this movie captures that brilliantly.

Gandhi is a true epic in every sense of the word, and one of the best best movies I have ever seen. Sometimes, when the boring or unforgettable movies start to weigh me down, it is so refreshing and affirming to watch a movie like this- a movie that rewards you for your efforts and reminds you that movies have the power to alter the very course of your life.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 9

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