Full Metal Jacket

Starring: Matthew Modine, Vincent D'Onofrio, Adam Baldwin, R. Lee Ermey, Dorian Harewood, Arliss Howard, John Terry
Directed by: Stanley Kubrick
Rating: R
Genre: War, Drama
Box Office: $46,357,676

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Follows the story of a group of Marine recruits, as they go through boot camp and fight in the Vietnam War.

Tim: The first thing to mention about Kubrick's film is the opening half of the film, at boot camp. The drill sergeant is classic. He is incredibly graphic and vulgar, but it's great. You can't help but drop your jaw to some of the comments he makes.

This film is also a grim, and somewhat realistic look at war during Vietnam. The second half of the film is pretty slow, and you wonder what exactly you are watching, and why, but it somehow doesn't matter because of the first half. Full Metal Jacket features some of the best writing I've ever seen. It is hilarious, crisp, and witty. Stanley Kubrick has definitely created a masterpiece. Many call it the best war movie ever. I wouldn't necessarily go that far, but it is definitely entertaining, and doesn't try to shield the audience from graphic or violent words and actions. Matthew Modine does an excellent job as Joker, and Vincent D'Onofrio is absolutely chilling in this role. You don't know whether to sympathize with him, or cringe at the very sight of him. I do recommend seeing this film at least once.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 8

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