
Starring: Sean Nelson, Giancarlo Esposito, Samuel L. Jackson
Directed by: Boaz Yakin
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
Box Office: $8,094,616

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A 12 year old drug runner (Sean Nelson) turns his employees against each other on the streets of the projects.

Tim: This is a very smart tale that has more to offer than one might expect. The character of Fresh, played brilliantly by Sean Nelson is so smart. Not only is he street smart, but intelligent in other ways, too (like chess for example). He wants a better life and is determined to get it. It was quite inspiring to watch this film.

Fresh mixes a story about one person with a look at how many people live life in the projects. This has a twofold purpose, one to make the film more realistic, the other to really show what its like for millions of young Americans. It succeeds on both fronts.

Many films like this can be depressing. This one is different because it shows the hard truth, but also offers hope in Fresh's character. Its remarkable how one young man can change the whole world around him. This movie shows that in a very powerful way.

I also want to mention Samuel L. Jackson's small role as Fresh's father. He gives a great performance and lends credibility to the film. In many ways, his character is the most important, because only through him can you truly understand Fresh. This is a very good movie. I definitely recommend seeing this film. I was so surprised at how great of a film it was. Prior to seeing it I had never even heard of it and I doubt you have, either. Don't let that fool you.
Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 8

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