Formula 51

Starring: Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Carlyle, Meatloaf, Emily Mortimer
Directed by: Ronny Yu
Rating: R
Genre: Action, Crime
Box Office: $5,204,007

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A master chemist (Samuel L. Jackson) invents a new drug- one that is created using all legal ingredients, yet is much stronger than cocaine. He travels to England to sell the formula for the drug for $20 million, but along the way, he faces problems, and is helped out by an Englishman (Robert Carlyle) who doesn't like Americans

Tim: Formula 51 isn't necessarily a very good movie. I didn't particularly want to see it, because I thought it looked pretty stupid. I was mostly right, yet for a single performance, I liked the film much better than I thought I would.

I was pretty much dead on in assuming the film would have a few average action scenes, a few average jokes, and Samuel L. Jackson trying his damndest to be a bad-ass. Folks, this is exactly what this movie is.

However, like I mentioned, one performance saves this film, and that is the performance of Robert Carlyle. He is absolutely hilarious throughout the film. I loved every scene that he was in. He definitely steals every scene, and also takes this film from being an awful mess to a mediocre movie (hey, one single performance can't make a film great).

Like I previously mentioned, I don't like Formula 51 save for Carlyle's performance. If you are going to watch this film, then you better do it for that reason, because there's sure not much else decent here.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6

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