Starring: John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, Tony Shalhoub, Mary McCormack
Directed by: Mikael Hafstrom
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Horror, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: A writer (John Cusack) of occult travel guides decides to check into the Dolphin Hotel, in room 1408. The manager (Samuel L. Jackson) of the hotel tries desperately to stop him, to no avail. Dozens of people have died in that room, and nonbeliever or not, it is ready to claim another victim.

Tim: I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I am a huge fan of Stephen King (even though about half his movie adaptations suck). Luckily, I can say that this film ranks among the best. It is extremely well made, has a great deal of originality, and keeps you guessing until the very end. This movie is great.

John Cusack is superb in the title role. He brings so much charisma, and he is so likeable. This is so important, because we actually care about him as a character and are genuinely concerned when he gets into dangerous situations. He is one of the most enjoyable horror movie heroes in recent memory. He has the film's best line- "Oh, let's Encyclopedia Brown this b*tch." I can't tell you how hilarious this is, and Cusack delivers it perfectly. Samuel L. Jackson also gives a good performance, although it is a much smaller role. He is very restrained, but his scenes with Cusack are among the film's most enjoyable.

The film does a terrific job of balancing out the frights. The movie switches flawlessly from terror to suspense and back again. There are a few moments when it looks as if the film will topple upon itself, but miraculously, it saves itself. A horror film ending is so difficult to pull off. 1408 manages to do it beautifully.

I really, really enjoyed this movie. The special effects compliment the story nicely, and there are some truly terrifying moments. The movie balances the shocking frights with the more psychological ones nicely. Stephen King truly is the master of horror, and this ranks as one of his best film adaptations. I highly recommend it.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 8

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: The Mist, Carrie, Secret Window, Dreamcatcher