Event Horizon

Starring: Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neil, Kathleen Quinlan, Joely Richardson, Richard T. Jones, Jason Isaacs
Directed by: Paul W.S. Anderson
Rating: R
Genre: Science Fiction, Horror, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: The crew (Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill, Kathleen Quinlan) of a spaceship is assigned to explore the Event Horizon, a spaceship which mysteriously reappears after vanishing seven years prior. They soon find out that wherever the ship went, it did not come back alone.


Tim: This movie had absolutely everything needed to be a superb movie. First, the title is excellent. Second, it features both Laurence Fishburne and Sam Neill. Finally, it is about a spaceship which crossed further into the universe than it ever should have, and witnessed incomprehensible things. This sounds like a movie I should absolutely love. Sadly, I do not.

The movie suffers as soon as the terror starts to rise. Why are sci-fi horror movies so hard to make? This one quickly drops into cliches, silly events, and we rapidly lose interest. What should have been absolutely terrifying ends up looking absurd. Opportunities were lost almost around every turn.

Laurence Fishburne is decent, but he just isn't given enough for him to be very good. He looks slightly bored, as if he's sleepwalking through the role to pick up a paycheck. Even Sam Neill can't manage to look very good in this clumsy movie. The cast was a huge letdown.

I am upset that this movie squandered its amazing premise, and besides a few fairly scary moments, mostly just gives us far less than we expect. Event Horizon had every reason to be excellent, but as is, this is a flawed movie that wasted its potential and ends up being a disappointment.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Solaris, Alien, Jurassic Park, The Matrix