Edge of Darkness

Starring: Mel Gibson, Ray Winstone, Danny Huston, Bojana Novakovic, Shawn Roberts, David Aaron Baker, Jay O. Sanders
Directed by: Martin Campbell
Rating: R
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A Boston police officer (Mel Gibson) is devastated when his daughter (Bojana Novakovic) is murdered right in front of him. He begins a desperate search to uncover the reason for her murder, and stumbles upon a conspiracy dealing with national security issues.


Tim: I couldn't help but feel like I had already seen this movie before. It felt like a little bit of Ransom with some Taken and Man on Fire thrown in. As it was based off a British television show from the 1980s, it is fair to say this isn't exactly an original movie. However, it also marked the first time Mel Gibson stepped in front of the camera in 8 years, so that was exciting. Despite his current personal issues, he is a heck of an actor, and I missed him. Still, his star power isn't enough to make this good movie great.

Despite the fact that I felt like this was a bit redundant, this is still a solid, entertaining thriller. The movie presents us with a compelling (if a bit far fetched) story. You mix in some real human emotion, and this is a pretty interesting film. It is always fun to watch a man with nothing to lose go all out to find the truth. You can't help but root for single, solitary individual when he goes up against overwhelming odds. With that built in, Edge of Darkness does enough right to satisfy what we're hoping to see. There is a good mix of character development and violence.

While this is definitely a positive, there are some downsides to the film as well. As I've mentioned, this movie feels a bit old. The story isn't particularly new or original, and the more we find out about the mystery, the harder it is to buy. I wouldn't say the story quite approached ridiculous territory, but I have to admit I questioned how realistic the unfolding events actually were. I also appreciated at least a few moments of absolute shock and surprise. This movie really did keep my on my toes.

I was really glad to see Mel Gibson acting again, but I was a bit surprised at how much he aged in the last 8 years. He definitely looks older and a bit more filled out. It made me just a little bit sad. Still, Gibson is talented enough to carry a movie like this. He balances raw emotion with the constant threat of violence. I thought he gave a good performance. I also liked the casting of Ray Winstone. Winstone is a fine actor, and his scenes with Gibson were among the greatest of the film. However, Winstone had a tendency to mumble a bit too much in this movie. Even with the sound turned all the way up, I still had trouble making out what he said. I also enjoyed Danny Huston. He plays those types of roles so excellently, and he was well cast here.

Edge of Darkness does enough right that I consider it a solid, entertaining thriller. It didn't do anything specifically new or original, but it told its story well. I might have expected a bit more from this movie, but director Martin Campbell knows how to make a good movie, and he does that again here.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Ransom, Taken, Man on Fire, Casino Royale, Goldeneye