Dumb & Dumber

Starring: Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly, Mike Starr, Karen Duffy, Charles Rocket
Directed by: Peter Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy

Times Seen:
Tim: 4

Summary: Two hapless friends (Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels) embark on a cross-country road trip to return a lost briefcase to a woman.


Tim: The Farrelly Brothers have made some terrible comedies over the years, but I don't think they have ever been funnier than with Dumb & Dumber. Some may disagree, but I believe this is one of the most consistently funny movies ever made- there are constantly laughs, memorable quotes, and entertaining hijinks. If I was to make a list of my favorite comedies of all time, Dumb & Dumber would make the list. It might not be sophisticated comedy at all, but it is hilarious.

The casting for this film is absolutely brilliant. The pairing of Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels was brilliant. Carrey makes a lot of sense, but the unconventional (and unpopular to the studio) decision to pair him with Daniels is what makes this movie work. Carrey is in his wheelhouse, so it's no surprise that Lloyd Christmas is funny. Jeff Daniels steals the show as Harry, however, putting everything he had into the role and not only holding his own, but often emerges as the funniest part of the film. The writing and the dialogue between these two characters is perfect- they truly are stupid people, so their conversations are often fascinating. We see two people misusing words, saying idiotic things, and yet, for the most part, the other person is right there with them. It's really, really funny. The Farrellys asked a lot of both Carrey and Daniels, and both actors step up and hit a home run with their roles. I loved these two actors in these parts.

The supporting cast is good. Lauren Holly emerges as the strongest of the secondary players. She gives a straight performance, but it worked really well. I loved how she interacted with both Carrey and Daniels. I also have to give great credit to Mike Starr, who shines in a small role.

There are just so, so many unforgettable moments in this film. From the opening scene, "Austria? Well, good day, mate!" to the airport drop-off, "Goodbye my love!", we're immediately hit with hilarious moments and unforgettable lines. I could quote so many from this film- "Our pets' heads are falling off!", "It feels like you're running at an incredible rate!", "That John Denver is full of shit." I'm not sure how a script comes together so beautifully (and I'm sure there was some improvisation involved), but this is a funny, funny movie. One of the highlights has to be the scene where Carrey makes Daniels drink ex-lax before his date. The scene in the bathroom is one of the most disgusting, hilarious moments of the film. Yes, it involves diarrhea jokes, but it's shot so wonderfully and Daniels gives such a good performance (it might be the best pooping scene ever captured on film) that it makes it an instant classic. I could fill paragraphs with scenes and quotes, but you get the picture- the movie is funny from start to finish.

More "sophisticated" movie viewers may dismiss this as a piece of vulgar garbage. I truly believe that is a mistake. Great films can come from anywhere, and the Farrellys have created a comedy masterpiece by diving into the dumb. This movie makes me laugh more than 99% of the comedies I've seen. It is one of the funniest movies ever made.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 8.5

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