The Day of the Jackal

Starring: Edward Fox, Michel Auclair, Alan Badel, Cyril Cusack
Directed by: Fred Zinnemann
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A mysterious assassin known as The Jackal (Edward Fox) is hired to kill Charles de Gaulle.


Tim: What truly stands out for me about The Day of the Jackal is how restrained a film it is. There's nothing flashy or over-the-top about it. It feels like an incredibly realistic look at a global manhunt for a deadly assassin. The movie almost comes across as a documentary- an exciting one, to be sure, but still, it's that steeped in realism. It's a fascinating way for director Fred Zinnemann to approach the movie. While most films feel like they (rightly) prioritize entertainment, there is something to be said for this meticulous, focused, well-executed style. This movie feels unlike anything else we've seen, which is a big plus.

The story is simple yet has many layers you can peel back. The engine for the film is this intense manhunt for the Jackal, an assassin whose identity is a mystery. It presents the governmental agencies in the film a real challenge- how do you find a man when you have no idea who he is? The search for the Jackal is riveting because it all feels very procedural, very factual. There's no easy solutions, no convenient "breaks"- it all feels so believable, like this is how it would go down in the real world. That is so rare, so pleasant to see- because movies have always suspended logic to tell a good story. It was refreshing to see a film that felt like it prioritized realism, and entertainment was second.

Now, while The Day of the Jackal gets so much credit for its grounded approach, sometimes a film's greatest strength can also be a liability. This movie is 2 hours and 23 minutes long. The focus on realism is wonderful, but it does tend to make the film feel a bit too long. While there's great sequences throughout, the plot can feel plodding. At many points, it felt too slow, as the global net grew imperceptibly tighter. I would have traded just a bit of believability for a tad bit more movement in the plot. I enjoyed the movie, but i never loved it. It wasn't quite fascinating enough (it's not actually a documentary, even though it feels one). It's not quite informative enough since it's not a documentary and it's not quite entertaining enough because of the way it was executed. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, but I can't quite claim it was great.

The cast is interesting. It felt like they were assembled because they felt real. No one in the cast feels like an actor, which is a blessing and curse. It certainly supports the vision of the film for it to feel like you're not watching glamorous people, but regular people the common person can identify with. That's the plus side. The downside is that no one in the film is really all that compelling. I know this role launched Edward Fox to new career heights, but I wasn't overly impressed with his performance. It's not that it was restrained (that's keeping with the rest of the film). It's just that I didn't find it all that interesting. I didn't understand his Jackal deeply enough. He didn't leave that much of an impression. I believe the movie needed a stronger performance from this role.

It's always interesting to watch classic films- there's a reason they have stood the test of time. Most of the time, when I watch a perceived "great" movie, I get it- I can see why so many people have loved it, I can see what makes it endure. I can certainly appreciate many things about The Day of the Jackal- Zinnemann has crafted an expertly executed thriller. I just didn't love the movie. It didn't constantly hold my attention, it didn't stick with me in any deep way. I thought this was a very, very well made movie, but I'd stop short of calling it great. It felt like a very strong technical movie (the one Academy Award nomination was for Best Film Editing), but not a complete, total film.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

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