Dark Water

Starring: Jennifer Connolly, John C. Reilly, Tim Roth
Directed by: Walter Salles
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Horror

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A mother (Jennifer Connolly) and her daughter move into a new apartment in the city. However, a leaking roof leads them onto a strange and bizarre secret that has supernatural ramifications.


Tim: This is the type of horror film that gives horror films a bad name- it is not original, completely rips off much better films, and is not scary in the least. You are more inclined to feel boredom than fear. The story has been done so many times by now that it is an outrage that we need to see it done again. The film, as all of these new horror films do, has a twist, "surprise" ending. The twist is asinine and pointless.

Jennifer Connolly is a very good actress, but she is just ineffective and utterly worthless here. She contributes nothing, and has been shown up by other actresses in these same types of movies- Naomi Watts destroys her with her performance in The Ring, and even Kate Hudson is better in her horror flick, The Skeleton Key. Connolly is far worse than both of them.

The whole gimmick here is water. That is the scary part. There's some "dark water," wooo, I am really afraid. How could anybody think this would be a good basis for a horror film? The dark water is a nice addition for some creepy atmosphere, but not a good basis to start your horror film around.

The supporting cast is weak and even John C. Reilly, who almost always provides good supporting work, is worthless and has absolutely nothing to contribute. Why is he even in this movie, besides for a paycheck?

My advice to you is to flush Dark Water down the drain. It is a silly, recycled piece of trash that accomplishes nothing. The cast is terrible, the story is terrible, and I'm still fuming over the time and money I spent on this film. Don't make the same mistake I did.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 3.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: The Ring, The Skeleton Key