Clear and Present Danger

Starring: Harrison Ford, Anne Archer, Willem Dafoe, Donald Moffat, Benjamin Bratt, Thora Birch, James Earl Jones
Directed by: Phillip Noyce
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action, Thriller, Drama

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Agent Jack Ryan (Harrison Ford) gets involved in a failed White House-sponsored overthrow of a Colombian drug cartel. Ryan refuses to go along with the planned cover-up, and has to work to set things straight with the Columbians and portions of the American government both wanting him dead.


Tim: This film flirts with being a notch below Patriot Games (another Jack Ryan film starring Harrison Ford), but ultimately redeems itself (although in a photo finish, I give the nod to the previous film). One of this movie's flaws is that it is too long. Certain places drag the movie and slow it down. Luckily, there are enough explosions, gun fights, and political intrigue to keep us firmly interested.

Harrison Ford is once again outstanding as Jack Ryan. I desperately wish he had made one, two, or seven more of these movies. He is just so great in the role. He has help from another very good cast. Willem Dafoe's addition is particularly strong.

The plot about a Columbian drug lord is decent, but not quite as exciting as the plot of Patriot Games. Sure, there are a few very intense moments (particularly the ambush scene), but as whole, I'd have liked to see more thrills. Ryan's confrontation with the President is short but terrific.

Tom Clancy knows how to write a good spy thriller, and that translates well onto the screen. Plus, Jack Ryan is an outstanding character, so you know this film is well worth your time. Political thrillers are a very entertaining genre of films, and I wish they would make more like this one.

Although this isn't the best of the Jack Ryan movies (I'd put it 3rd), this is still a very good movie.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: The Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games, The Sum of All Fears