Chill Factor

Starring: Cuba Gooding, Jr., Skeet Ulrich, David Paymer, Peter Firth,
Directed by: Frank Marshall
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action
Box Office: $11,263,966

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Two reluctant partners, a short-order cook (Skeet Ulrich) and an ice-cream salesman/thief (Cuba Gooding, Jr.) find themselves in the middle of a plot by a renegade U.S. military group. Ulrich and Gooding have to keep a bomb code-named Elvis away from from the bad guys, and must keep the bomb cooler than 50 degrees, or it will explode.


Tim: This film is a blatant rip-off of Speed. Keep the bus over 50 miles an hour, keep the bomb cooler than 50 degrees.. come on. That being said, who cares? Unfortunately for this film, it reaches no where the level of success that Speed did.

The film suffers from some downright awful dialogue, and moments of sheer boredom. However, it also has moments of brillance from the due of Gooding and Ulrich. They make an unlikely buddy combo, yet their mutual goal and their hatred for each other makes the film fun to watch. There are a number of fun scenes, like when Ulrich and Gooding take a small boat down the side of a mountain to escape the bad guys, and the dam scene is pretty decent, too.

The small level of success this film enjoys comes from Cuba Gooding, Jr. who is a terrific actor, and Skeet Ulrich who surprisingly holds his own against the Oscar-winning actor. This film has its moments, but it also has moments where you just grimace and wonder at the stupidity of the producers. All in all, the film is decent. It's not a bad way to spend an hour and a half of your time, as long as you're in the mood to sit back and not think too deeply about watch you're watching. If you can pull that off, the film won't appear as bad.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Speed, Jerry Maguire, Scream