
Starring: Renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Gere, Queen Latifah, John C. Reilly, Lucy Liu,
Directed by: Rob Marshall
Rating: PG
Genre: Musical, Drama
Box Office: $170,687,518

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Tells the story of murder, fame, and betrayal between two aspiring performers (Renee Zellweger, Catherine-Zeta Jones), and the lawyer who gets them both off of murder charges (Richard Gere).


Tim: First off, I don't automatically like musicals. When's the last time, during every day events, twelve people burst into the same song at the same time and sang it beautifully? Usually, I can stomach musicals, as long as they are decent, but Chicago didn't really do it for me. I'm not saying that it's a bad film, and I'm not saying it doesn't deserve to win the Oscar for Best Picture, but personally I was not a fan.

I think "Chicago" makes an excellent play, but a very poor movie. Seeing the show performed live might make it worthwhile, but on the big screen it just appears flat. When I think about how much more I enjoyed a movie like Moulin Rouge, it can't hold a candle up to that film. Chicago doesn't come close.

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Renee Zellweger gave tremendous performances. While I don't believe Chicago was a very good film, I think it provided the perfect atmosphere for these two actresses to shine. That being said, while they acted brilliantly, I still believe that neither can compare to Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge. Furthermore, Gere gives nowhere near as good of a performance as McGregor did in that film. I am not against musicals in general; only ones as predictable and as slow as Chicago.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Moulin Rouge, Jerry Maguire, Entrapment, Primal Fear, The Mothman Prophecies, Bringing Down the House