Charlie's Angels

Starring: Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu, Bill Murray, Crispin Glover, Sam Rockwell, Tim Curry, Matt LeBlanc, Tom Green, LL Cool J (cameo)
Directed by: McG
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action
Box Office: $125,305,545

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: Based on a television show of the same name. Charlie employs three women (Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu) who fight bad guys, and take on various cases, etc. They never see Charlie, but work through the liaison between the two, Bosley (Bill Murray). This time around, the Angels are trying to rescue a computer programmer (Sam Rockwell) who has been kidnapped by a strange dark man (Crispin Glover), and a wealthy socialite (Tim Curry).


Tim: Surprisingly, this film is quite good. Very often TV-to movie transitions are difficult and don't yield good results. However, this one does. Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu have never been hotter, as they not only look amazing, but kick some serious butt. McG employs some pretty amazing special effects (think The Matrix). This blend of hot women and action makes for a very entertaining ride.

Speaking of which, I think this movie is great on two different levels- for men, and for women. This movie works for men because of the reason I just mentioned- it is the perfect blend of action and hot women. This is the perfect combination for the vast majority of guys (I know I'm being stereotypical). Anyway, guys eat that stuff up, so they'd definitely be a fan of this film. Charlie's Angels also works for women because they get to see an action movie starring women that actually kick some serious ass. This has to be a nice change from the normal action films, which star men blowing stuff up. It's refreshing to see women do that sometimes.

The film itself has enough special effects (Matrix-style) and insane stunt scenes to satisfy any action junkie. With this movie, you'll get great performances, hot women, action, and great cameos. This isn't a bad movie at all, and is worth seeing.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, Ms. Congeniality, The Wedding Singer, The Fugitive, The Mod Squad, Mission: Impossible, Coyote Ugly