Bring It On

Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Eliza Dushku, Jesse Bradford, Gabrielle Union, Clare Kramer, Nicole Bilderback
Directed by: Peyton Reed
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy, Sport

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: A cheerleader (Kirsten Dunst) just made captain of the squad learns the previous captain always stole their routines. Now, she must scramble to put together a winning routine to defend their national championship.


Tim: Bring It On is a film that is easy to dismiss because it's a lightweight cheerleading comedy. However, good films can come from anywhere, and be about any subject matter. I find this movie to be a fun, entertaining little film. While not a classic, it's an enjoyable experience, and is a fairly memorable film. I'd encourage you not to overlook this movie.

I like the idea of a cheerleading film, simply because there's not tons and tons of these being made every year. Women/girls need role models in films as well, and while this is a comedy, the idea of competitive cheerleading is taken very seriously. It's fun to inhabit the strange world of cheerleading for a while. That immediately set this film apart. We actually learn a good deal about cheerleading, and the film does a very good job of creating some drama in the competition aspect. We never really understand exactly how these things are judged, but there's drama nonetheless.

The cast is really important in a film like this. It's fortunate that Bring It On has a good one. Kirsten Dunst is quite strong in the lead role. She looks like a cheerleader, but one who is relatable. She's the type of protagonist you find yourself rooting for- even if you believe the very idea of cheerleaders is absurd, it's hard not to get caught up in her plight. That was a key to the film- her challenge is a relatable one. She's new to a position, and faces the stress of trying to do a good job and live up to the reputation her team has gained. It's a relatable experience, trying to prove your worth. I thought the film did a good job displaying that. Dunst brings a good deal of energy and fun to the film, and this movie definitely belongs to her.

Eliza Dushku was a good supporting player for Dunst. She and Dunst look and act different enough, but their friendship was believable. Dushku might not give a great performance, but she adds to the film. I also like Jesse Bradford, and I thought he did a good job here, bringing some charm to the role, and interacting well with Dunst. Some of the best moments of the film involved the two of them. They had good chemistry together, and were fun to watch. Gabrielle Union was a good addition to the cast, but her part was too small to make much of a difference.

The movie has some good, memorable moments. The "spirit fingers" scene is probably the most famous. There's some funny moments at the car wash, the different competitions, and others sprinkled throughout the film. Many of the more average scenes are made better by the energy and fun the cast brought to them. The movie is funny, but it took the cheerleading competition aspect very seriously- this was a brilliant move. So, even as we're laughing, we are invested in the characters and what they are trying to achieve.

While I did like this movie, I admit the whole plot is a bit disposable. It's a fun movie, but it does have some flaws. There's far too many scenes that are a bit uneven. The movie seems focused on tackling cheerleading myths, but not all of them were relevant to the story. I continually wondered why there weren't any cheerleading coaches or advisors, or something. That seemed like a bit of a plot hole. And, while the story was entertaining, it was incredibly lightweight.

So, while there was a lot to like here, there's not a great deal to really love. Still, cheerleading movies typically seem destined to fail, but Bring It On proves all that wrong- a cheerleading movie can be fairly solid- it can be funny, entertaining, and enjoyable. I liked this movie, and I would defend it to just about anyone.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7

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