
Starring: Ben Affleck, Gwyneth Paltrow, Natasha Henstridge, Edward Edwards, Jennifer Grey, Tony Goldwyn, David Dorfman, Alex D. Linz
Directed by: Don Ross
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama, Romance

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: An advertising executive, Buddy (Ben Affleck) meets Greg, a writer (Tony Goldwyn) in an airport, where both men are trying to get back to Los Angeles during a snowstorm. Amid canceled flights, Buddy gives Greg his boarding pass, so he can return home to his family. However, the flight crashes, killing Greg and everyone on board. Months later, Buddy is racked with guilt, so he checks in on Greg's wife (Gwyneth Paltrow) and children. He begins to fall in love with her, which complicates the matter even more.


Tim: Surprisingly, I actually liked this movie. It seems like the kind of movie I'd normally roll my eyes at, calling it a decent but forgettable movie. Instead, this film actually has some real drama, a very interesting story, and manages to be fairly entertaining. This might not be a great movie, but I think it works and I really liked it.

I find the whole idea of this movie a bit melodramatic but fascinating as well. There are so many strange "coincidences" that happen every day, that I find the events of this film more believable than I might have otherwise. The movie is told in a straightforward, interesting fashion. I was engaged with the characters and the situations in which they find themselves. The movie isn't powerful, but it does manage to connect on an emotional level. This is impressive, especially considering how silly this movie could have been.

Ben Affleck actually works quite well in the role. I believed him as an advertising executive, yet I also bought into his change of heart and desire to help a stranger. He manages to give a low-key performance, not taking any risks, but making sure he doesn't screw up the film, either. I thought he played it safe, but this is probably what the movie needed. Gwyneth Paltrow gives a good performance as well. She is more responsible for the film's success than Affleck. She is strong, but damaged, unbelievably kind, yet playful and fun. I really liked her in this role. She and Affleck have a good deal of chemistry (again, more credit goes to her than to him). Paltrow is an accomplished, strong actress, and she has a tendency to make movies better by her sheer presence alone. She certainly uplifts this movie greatly.

Bounce might not be a great movie, but I love that it takes a slightly different approach to the traditional romantic drama. Yes, there are a few tired cliches and fewer surprises than you might expect. However, none of that greatly detracts from the film. Sure, many people will probably lump this movie into that giant heap of lightweight, silly movies in the genre- but I don't believe it belongs. I think this film has more substance and heart than you might expect. It balances out well, walking a fine line between dramatic and melodramatic quite successfully. I enjoyed this movie.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7

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