Blood Work

Starring: Clint Eastwood, Jeff Daniel, Anjelica Huston, Wanda De Jesus, Tina Lifford, Paul Rodriguez, Dylan Walsh
Directed by: Clint Eastwood
Rating: R
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A retired FBI profiler (Clint Eastwood) tries to track down a serial killer.


Tim: It's possible (maybe probable) that Blood Work isn't the best movie. The movie is a bit too by-the-numbers for its own good. The movie also has some big twists that are so obvious and apparent that even I figured them out, ridiculously early in the film. I never see the twists coming because I'm so focused on the moment. But, I saw the big ones coming. The movie is just far too obvious. That being said, I still very much enjoyed the film. I couldn't help it- this is a film directed by Clint Eastwood, starring Clint Eastwood, and based on a novel by Michael Connelly. Those positives just outweigh the negatives.

The story is pretty interesting. It starts with Eastwood tracking down a serial killer who taunts him with messages. However, the movie soon moves two years ahead and shifts the focus a bit. I don't want to say too much about the plot because it would give away too many details, and finding out the various plot moves is half the fun. I'll just say that the story is different enough that it felt like a unique viewing experience.

The main strength of the film is undoubtedly Clint Eastwood. The guy is such a fantastic actor, and it's so much fun watching him on screen. He has decades and decades of experience, and it all shows in his performance. It is effortless to watch him on screen. There was never a moment in this film where I felt like he was acting. Parts and films like this are so natural to him that the viewing experience is effortless. He was very good in the role.

The supporting cast is decent. Jeff Daniels was a bit of an odd choice, but I enjoyed him in the film. He makes a good companion to Eastwood, and the two have some enjoyable scenes together. They are fun to watch interacting on screen with each out. Anjelica Huston was a nice addition to the cast, but she doesn't have a great deal to do. The other supporting cast members were good, but no one was really outstanding.

I actually wish I liked the movie a little less. When I think about Blood Work, it doesn't stand out in my mind as a particularly strong film. However, Eastwood is such a terrific director that he can create an entertaining film, even with a script that is less than ideal. The movie moves at a quick pace, features interesting characters, and keeps us on our toes (to a certain extent). I had a fun time watching the story unfold, even if I guessed at how it would all end.

I really liked how Eastwood portrayed himself in the film. In Hollywood, no one really wants to admit that they are old- old means forgotten and passed over. Eastwood, though, casts himself in a role that is all about being old and not at the top of his game. Being willing to admit his age- but also having a meaty role for an older actor was a nice touch to this film. I love that Eastwood didn't try to ignore his age, but to embrace it and make it part of the story.

It sounds like not a lot of people love this movie. I admit that it does have its flaws. However, it's still an entertaining crime thriller. I like Eastwood in these types of roles. I admit I'm an fan of this movie. Blood Work is a very good film, in my opinion.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

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