Blood Diamond

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Djimon Hounsou, Jennifer Connolly, Michael Sheen, Stephen Collins
Directed by: Edward Zwick
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Adventure

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A diamond smuggler (Leonardo DiCaprio) convinces a fisherman (Djimon Hounsou) to help him retrieve a very rare diamond in exchange for helping him get his kidnapped son back. A journalist is there to report on the story (Jennifer Connolly).


Tim: Leonard DiCaprio continues making important, entertaining films like this. He has a knack for picking projects that have a degree of importance and prestige while also being very entertaining. While this film isn't up to the level of The Aviator or Gangs of New York, it is still very good. It addresses a very serious and timely issue- the bloodshed that surrounds the diamond trade in Africa. Those conflict diamonds are at the heart of this film.

DiCaprio gives a good performance. This ia very Bogart-like performance. DiCaprio is a dark, antihero who struggles against the demons that we all face. He isn't the most loveable character, but that is probably because in him, we see ourselves. Djimon Hounsou gives his typically amazing performance. He is just consistently outstanding. I always enjoy watching him. Jennifer Connolly is good as well, although she starts out less than excellent, by the end of the movie, she wins us over. This is not her best role, however.

This film uses the moral abyss of certain parts of Africa as the backdrop to examine themes of morality, greed, innocence lost, and redemption gained. These are the most poignant scenes of the movie.

The movie's strengths can also be its weaknesses. For example, the subplot of Hounsou trying to get his son back is a source of great drama, but at the end, it also get a bit tiring and feels too drawn out. However, it is important to note that the real reason to watch this movie is to get to the end- that is by far the best part of the film, when everything comes together. Blood Diamond isn't the best movie, but it is fairly solid, well acted, and you should find yourself mostly satisfied.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Gangs of New York, The Aviator, Catch Me If You Can, What's Eating Gilbert Grape?