Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Starring: Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter, George Carlin
Directed by: Stephen Herek
Rating: PG
Genre: Comedy
Box Office: $40,485,039

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Two high school losers, Bill (Alex Winter) and Ted (Keanu Reeves) are about to fail history, which would mean the end of their garage band, The Wyld Stallyns. This, for some reason, would have horrible consequences on the future, so a time traveler (George Carlin) comes back to take the duo on a trip through history so they can pass and the future can be saved.


Tim: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure is a pretty entertaining film. It has a good mix of comedy, adventure, and history. Sure, the film is absurd and ridiculous, but the movie is fun and in many ways...excellent.

It is interesting to watch our not-super bright heroes as they travel back in time and meet up with Napolean, Joan of Arc, Socrates, Abraham Lincoln, Genghis Khan, Sigmund Freud, Billy the Kid, and Beethoven.

The movie is actually not all that funny, but there are some humorous scenes. "All we are, is dust in the wind, dude," is a particular highlight of the film. Surprisingly, some people might actually learn something about history from this film. If Bill and Ted can, so can anyone watching at home.

Also, George Carlin is pretty excellent in the movie. I'll watch anything with him in it beause he is a brilliant comic. He doesn't haven much to do here, but he is enjoyable on screen. Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter play the two heroes/losers very well and while not the best roles ever, are pretty memorable.

This is a decently good film. I hope you watch it and remember, be excellent to each other.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, Time Bandits, Back to the Future, Fast Times at Ridgemont High