The Big Lebowski

Starring: Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, John Turturro, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi
Directed by: Joel Coen
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy
Box Office: $17,451,873

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary:Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski (Jeff Bridges) is a loser- a pot smoking, bowling-obsessed, unemployed loser... and a hero. When two thugs mistake the Dude for a different Jeff Lebowski, the Dude begins down a quest to get reimbursed for a rug the thugs urinated on. He begins down a winding, dangerous, mysterious road that involves kidnapping, theft, and murder.


Tim: The followup film to the Coen brothers' Fargo wasn't a box office success, but isn't all that bad. Sure, the film drags on and on and is fairly slow moving, but the film is blessed with good acting, some hilarious lines, and smart writing.

Jeff Bridges is absolutely terrific as the Dude, and John Goodman and Julianne Moore gives good performances as well. The acting is one of the stronger suits in this film, and is definitely worth seeing. The actors all interact well together, and provide some good laughs.

The movie has its funny moments, but as a whole isn't up to par with what you'd expect from a decent comedy from the Coens. The opening scene with Bridges' in the toilet is absolutely hysterical, and my favorite line in the movie. Unfortunately, the film started out great, and never reached that same plateau again. ("That rug really tied the room together" is very funny as well).

I'll recommend this film only if you brace yourself for some disappointment. The film has a lot going for it, but it just can't deliver to its full potential. If you only see the first fifteen minutes or so, its ok- its the best part of the film.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Fargo, Fallen, White Squall, There's Something About Mary