
Starring: Nicole Kidman, Will Ferrell, Jason Schwartzman, Michael Caine, Shirley MacLaine, Steve Carrell, Stephen Colbert
Directed by: Nora Ephron
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy, Romance

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Jack Wyatt (Will Ferrell) is an actor starring in an updated version of the old television show, Bewitched. He hires an unknown (Nicole Kidman) to play Samantha, but little does he know that she actually a witch!


Tim: First off, I greatly admire this film for taking a different approach to resurrecting an old television show. By making this part of the plot as well, Bewitched gives us a completely different feel to it. This is refreshing, and a terrific example of the type of creativity that needs to be brought to this remake or resurrection projects. I appreciated that.

The film, however, also has to struggle with putting this plot into place. This is harder than it looks. The film is at times charming, but often, the film just seems silly and a bit boring. It isn't particularly funny, and there isn't spectacular romance. For these reasons, the film feels void of real heart.

You have to appreciate Nicole Kidman really putting her all into this role. It was a somewhat unlikely casting, but she's enjoyable to watch on screen (and she does have that nose wiggle down). Will Ferrell was an inspired casting choice. He is very, very restrained here, although he does get a few moments to break out (the dinner table scene is absolutely hilarious- this is Ferrell at his funniest). I started out not a huge fan of Ferrell, but in a mess of a movie like this- he still manages several laughs. This is an achievement. Sadly, Ferrell and Kidman don't have much chemistry at all.

The supporting cast is impressive, although none give great performances. I enjoyed seeing them, but they brought little to the table. Jason Schwartzman was basically worthless. Michael Caine was surprisingly ineffective. Shirley MacLaine was more annoying than anything else. Steve Carrell was decent, but his short scene should have been better. I had almost completely forgot Stephen Colbert was even in this (and I love him, so you'd think I'd remember!)

Bewitched does have a few decent moments, but the movie isn't particularly funny and doesn't have great romance (which hurts, since this is technically a comedy/romance). Unless you really want to appreciate Will Ferrell's larger body of work (or you were a massive, massive fan of the TV show), I can't really recommend this movie. It just doesn't do enough right.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 4.5

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