
Starring: Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, Jeffrey Jones, Catherine O'Hara, Winona Ryder
Directed by: Tim Burton
Rating: PG
Genre: Comedy

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: A couple (Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis) die in a freak accident and find themselves ghosts in their previous house. They are mortified when new residents movie in (Jeffrey Jones, Catherine O'Hara) with their goth daughter (Winona Ryder). When their attempts to scare the living away, the two deceased spirits turn to crazy and unpredictable Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton) to get the job done.


Tim: This is one of those quirky, different movies that you really just need to see. It is absurd, funny, and very entertaining.

Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis are actually quite enjoyable. They evoke much more emotion than you would think. Watching them is more entertaining than it probably should be.

Michael Keaton is actually more of a supporting character as the over-the-top Beetlejuice. I have a hard time even believing that Keaton is really under that make-up and crazy hair. He does an outstanding job and is completely memorable and the titular character.

Winona Ryder is good as a very dark and pessimistic girl. She's always excellent in these oddball films (Edward Scissorhands, for example).

The movie has some incredible scenes. The highlight is undoubtedly the "Day-O" scene. This is comedic gold and one of those scenes you can watch over and over and laugh every single time. Beetlejuice might not be the best character ever, but Keaton makes him totally original and something well worth watching.

Beetlejuice is not a comedic masterpiece, but it is fresh, original, and pretty funny.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: AEdward Scissorhands, The Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Big Fish, Much Ado About Nothing