Another 48 Hrs.

Starring: Nick Nolte, Eddie Murphy
Directed by: Walter Hill
Rating: R
Genre: Action, Comedy

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Jack (Nick Nolte) and Reggie (Eddie Murphy) reluctantly team up once again to bring down a drug dealer.


Tim: The first film was enjoyable enough for me to somewhat look forward to this sequel, although I wasn't completely sold on the fact that it was necessary. Like the original, this one entertains without excelling. This isn't a great movie, and it isn't mediocre. It is simply there, a film you can't help but feel somewhat ambivalent towards. It doesn't do enough to evoke any kind of emotion from us, neither excitement nor disdain. This is a sequel that was fairly unnecessary. It plays it safe, never straying too far from the original. This works to some degree, because the original was fairly entertaining.

Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy have a good deal of chemistry, as they did in the original. They are very entertaining together, and watching them is a lot of fun. While their relationship has lost some of the freshness that it had the first time around, it is still the driving force behind the whole movie.

The film's plot is weak to say the least. There's almost nothing here at all, which causes the movie to rely almost completely on the chemistry of the two stars. The plot does just enough to give our heroes something to do so we can stay interested throughout. But, it does very little else. We're paying attention, but we're holding on by a very thin thread.

Another 48 Hrs. is a 1990 movie that still reeks of the 80s buddy cop movies. It is insanely identical to the original. Not enough separates ut frin the original, which shows this film's lack of courage, refraining from straying too far from what is safe. This film rides the chemistry of its two stars, putting all its hopes on this, which is never a good idea. This film is decent, but a bit disappointing.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: 48 Hrs., Beverly Hills Cop