The Andromeda Strain

Starring: Arthur Hill, David Wayne, James Olson, Kate Reid, Paula Kelly
Directed by: Robert Wise
Rating: G
Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A group of scientists and doctors investigate a deadly disease that has extraterrestrial origins.


Tim: I really, really enjoyed The Andromeda Strain. Michael Crichton is a heck of a writer, and this film obviously had a very strong source material (although I haven't read it). Crichton's attention to detail can be seen throughout the film. This movie is a fascinating, riveting look at what humanity would be dealt with if suddenly, a satellite brought to Earth a deadly disease. The whole premise of this movie is interesting, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.

The basic premise is incredible- a deadly disease threatens to wipe out humanity, and it has extraterrestrial origins. Think about how scary many terrestrial diseases are, and add in the fact that this one evolved outside of Earth- it potentially follows no familiar patterns, and depending on how contagious it is, could be truly catastrophic. I like disease movies and I like science fiction movies about outer space, so this movie was right up my alley.

I was impressed with how much detail the film went into. The movie managed to entertain while also exploring how scientists and doctors might actually fight an extraterrestrial disease. The movie spends a great deal of its run time in the deep underground bunker for infectious diseases. We get to see many of the different machines and safety measures of the facility. While many of them are dated now (this movie has been out for 40 years, after all), it's still impressive to see.

I thought the cast was decent, but no one really stood out to me. Arthur Hill does a good job, as does David Wayne, James Olson, Kate Reid, and the rest of the cast (for the most part). They each played their parts well, and embodied the intelligent, serious, focused scientific minds you would expect from these characters. Each was believable in their respective roles. While the individual performances weren't spectacular, they each interacted well together and I was a fan overall.

I have to say that director Robert Wise is a big reason this movie works. Wise keeps the movie moving, but also lets us linger on the essential scientific details. It's this ability to maintain forward progress while allowing us enough time to geek out over the fascinating scientific aspect of the film that made it stand out to me. In addition, this film is surprisingly intense and dramatic. It really did keep me on the edge of my seat, especially as the threat of a global pandemic looms closer and closer.

The Andromeda Strain is a thrilling, intelligent, entertaining movie. I really enjoyed the film and I stayed engaged and intrigued for the entire 131 minute run time (which felt shorter). I'd highly recommend this movie.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 7.5

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