American Movie

Starring: Mark Borchardt, Tom Schinmels
Directed by: Chris Smith
Rating: R
Genre: Documentary

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Documentary that follows a Wisconsin man (Mark Borchardt) as he tries to complete his horror film, "Coven"


Tim: I'm still not entirely sure what to make of this movie. On one hand, this documentary gives us a good look at Wisconsin filmmaker Mark Borchardt, and his uphill battle to finish his short horror film, "Coven." The two-year quest takes its toll on both him and his family. We are treated to front row seats of a struggling independent filmmaker trying to bring his dream into reality. Mark has talent, but he is also an animated, eccentric chracter. His family and he interact in often hilarious fashion. Especially memorable are his moments with Uncle Bill. The "It's all right, it's okay, there's something to live for. Jesus told me so" scene still inspires rabid laughter to this day.

Watching this film is a strange experience. On one hand, you want to laugh at everyone in the movie, and trust me, they give you more than enough to chuckle about. On the other hand, these are all real people, and they are all struggling with something. We may laugh at Mark, but he is doing something admirable against oftentimes overwhelming odds. That is honorable, but we very often feel sad while watching his struggle, especially in regards to how it impacts those around him.

American Movie shows us one American filmmaker, and his ups and downs as he chases a dream. This is occasionally absurd, but it makes you think, especially how he represents much of American life. He might often appear crazy, but so do all who have the courage to relentlessly pursue their dreams.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 6

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