AVP- Alien v. Predator

Starring: Sanaa Lathan, Raoul Boya, Lance Henriksen, Ewen Bremner
Directed by: Paul W.S. Anderson
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction
Box Office: $

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: An exploratory group of humans uncover a temple in Antarctica, where they stubble into a war between aliens and predators.


Tim: This is most certainly a nerdy adolescent's movie. I can almost see the kids asking, "Who would win in a fight, the Predators or the Aliens?" Well, nerds everywhere can rejoice because we finally see the showdown. Surprisingly, the film does a much better job of telling this story than I could have imagined. It must have been difficult in creating this film, because you had some rabid Alien fans and you have some diehard Predator fans, and this film needed to put these two titans together and not disappoint. They shomehow accomplish this through a very clever story.

This is not a bad film, even though it is exactly the type of movie critics love to hate. It trudges on valiantly, delivering what this fim's demographic wants- to see the Aliens fighting the Predators, and hey, throw in some humans in the middle of help explain the story. On this front, the film succeeds. It is very interesting to see two horror/action staples facing off against each other. We get to see casualties on both sides, and it is fun. Nerdy adolescent fun, but fun none the less.

I won't even mention the human actors because really, who cares about them? They are more backstory than anything else (although Lance Henriksen's role is important for those familiar with the Alien movies).

Alien v. Predator is a film that shoots to give us a classic sci-fi battle and achieves this goal. The movie works because of its patience, and its carefulness in balancing competing interests and finally, pleasing everyone (except critics and probably most fanboys).

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 7

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien: Resurrection, Predator, Predator 2