AVP- Aliens v. Predator: Requiem

Starring: Steven Pasquale, Reiko Aylesworth, John Ortiz, Johnny Lewis
Directed by: Colin Strause, Greg Strause
Rating: R
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction
Box Office: $
Times Seen:
Tim: 1
Summary: A small Colorado town is overrun when a Predator ship crashes, allowing aliens to spill out and attack the residents.
Tim: Okay, so I overlooked the first film's flaws to find some enjoyment in it. I actually did like the first movie, and I was entertained by watching the Predators and the Aliens battle it out. So, I was somewhat looking forward to this movie, even though sequels typically decrease in quality. This film represented less of a decrease and more of a freefall. This movie is terrible.
First off, the cast is so unmemorable and forgettable that it is impossible to care about them. I honestly can't even remember who lived and who died. I felt no compassion for them, no nervousness when they were in dire straits. I didn't care about them at all. They were obviously secondary to the Aliens and the Predators, and this doesn't work well for the movie. The cast is awful.
I also hated that the film was so dark. Half the time, I couldn't even tell whether I was watching aliens, predators, or that weird hybrid. I couldn't follow the story (and I didn't have much incentive to put extra effort in), and I was soon confused. Lucky for me, the plot is almost nonexistent anyway. It is all just a bit excuse to sit back and watch humans and aliens all engage in a battle royale. There might have been a subplot about a general and sacrificing civilians, but I don't really care to access my memory for that.
All I can say is that this movie represents what the first film could (and should) have been. Luckily, the original movie far outshot all expectations. This one brings them back crashing to reality. This movie is awful, the cast is awful, and I sincerely hope and pray this is the last movie in this franchise. What a complete waste of time.
Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 4
If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien: Resurrection, Predator, Predator 2, AVP- Alien v. Predator