Alien Resurrection

Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Winona Ryder, Ron Pearlman
Directed by: Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Rating: R
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction, Action
Box Office: $47,795,658

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Even further in the future, a group of scientists clone the long-dead Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) and the alien she so strongly fought to kill. By mixing their DNA, the scientists have created a bond between them, and giving Ripley some interesting powers. The aliens, of course, break free, and Ripley is called upon again to save a small band of humans.


Tim: At this point, there really is no need for any more Alien movies. We know the formula, we know pretty much exactly what will happen from beginning to end (besides one or two twists) and the surprise and shock is gone at this point. That being said, Alien Resurrection is surprisingly enjoyable to watch and certainly better than Alien 3.

Sigourney Weaver is excellent as always and it is good to see Ripley on the big screen again. The aliens are as menacing as ever and the special effects are an improvement over previous films. Winona Ryder adds a good touch, almost as a protege to Weaver.

The film manages to be intense and exciting. There is just something about the aliens vs. humans that draws us into these films.

While this movie is very watchable, let's pray this is the last entry into the franchise (besides Alien v. Predator). Let Ripley go, and let us move on with our movie-watching lives.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 7.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien v. Predator