A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Starring: Haley Joel Osment, Jude Law, William Hurt
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy
Box Office: $78,616,689

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: In the age of Artificial Intelligence, David, a young mecha robot is adopted into a family. When the family ultimately shuns him, he is forced to go out on his own. David then embarks upon a quest to find the blue fairy, in order to be made into a real boy, so his mother will love him.


Tim: Stanley Kubrick's project for 15 years comes through after his death, with Spielberg at the helm. It's a futuristic sci-fi rendition of pinocchio, with enough emotion and intelligent acting to please any true movie fan. While the film is not without its flaws, all in all, A.I. is incredible.

While not much happens throughout the film (very slow plot), what does happen is portrayed beautifully, and with real raw emotion. Osment does a terrific job, giving a wonderful performance. This kid is simply incredible. If you thought he was good in The Sixth Sense, you have to see him in this film. Osment IS this movie, and you simply have to see his performance.

While Osment does a great job, its also too bad that there is little besides him in the film. William Hurt is on screen too little to do much of anything. Jude Law gives a good performance as Gigolo Joe, but even he doesn't have too much to do.

The film also raises some interesting questions concerning artificial intelligence, and our feelings about them: pay attention to your feelings during the Flesh Fair: it's interesting.

For some, it would be a good idea to see this movie simply to say that you have. I think that if you take a chance, you will be pleasantly surprised. A.I. was a huge summmer blockbuster, and one of those movies you just simply have to see. If you are one of the few people who doubt whether this movie is worth seeing it, trust me- take a chance, and I promise you won't be disappointed. You might want to bring a box of kleenex.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 8

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Blade Runner, Pinocchio, Short Circuit,