Viggo Mortensen

Here are the movies we have reviewed starring Viggo Mortensen!

Total Films: 24
Average Rating: 7.291
Great+ Movies: 6

Appaloosa 7
Boiling Point 5.5
Captain Fantastic 6
Carlito's Way 7.5
Crimson Tide 8
A Dangerous Method 7
Daylight 6.5
Eastern Promises 7
G.I. Jane 7.5
Green Book 8
Hidalgo 7.5
A History of Violence 7.5
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 10
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 9.5
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 9.5
On the Road 7
The Prophecy 6
Psycho (1998) 6
The Road 8
Thirteen Lives 7.5
28 Days 6
Vanishing Point(TV) 7
A Walk on the Moon 6
Witness(bit part) 7.5