Paul Bettany

Here are the movies we have reviewed starring Paul Bettany!

Total Films: 23
Average Rating: 7.239
Great+ Movies: 10
Television Series: 1

The Avengers (2012) (voice) 9.5
Avengers: Age of Ultron 8
Avengers: Infinity War 8.5
A Beautiful Mind 8.5
Captain America: Civil War 8
The Da Vinci Code 8
Dogville 7.5
Firewall 5.5
Iron Man (voice) 9
Iron Man 2 (voice) 8
Iron Man 3 (voice) 7.5
A Knight's Tale 9
The Land Girls 7
Legion 5.5
Margin Call 7.5
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World 8
Mortdecai 3
Priest 5
Solo: A Star Wars Story 7.5
The Tourist 6
Transcendence 5.5
Uncle Frank 7.5
Wimbledon 7

Television Series:
WandaVision (9 episodes)