Martin Sheen

Here are the movies we have reviewed starring Martin Sheen!

Total Films: 18
Average Rating: 7.416
Great+ Movies: 7
Video Games: 1

The Amazing Spider-Man 8
The American President 8.5
Apocalypse Now 8
Bobby 8
Catch Me If You Can 7.5
Catch-22 7.5
The Dead Zone 7.5
The Departed 8
The Final Countdown 7
Firestarter 6
Gandhi 9
Gettysburg 8
Judas and the Black Messiah 7.5
"O" 7.5
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping 7
Spawn 4
Wall Street 7.5
Who Killed the Electric Car? (voice) 7

Video Games:
Mass Effect 2 (voice)