Dustin Hoffman

Here are the movies we have reviewed starring Dustin Hoffman!

Total Films: 24
Average Rating: 7.479
Great+ Movies: 8

All the President's Men 8.5
Chef 7
Confidence 8
Dick Tracy 7
Finding Neverland 8
The Graduate 9
Hook 7.5
I Heart Huckabees 6
Kramer vs. Kramer 7
Kung Fu Panda (voice) 7
Little Big Man 7.5
Little Fockers 6
Marathon Man 7.5
Meet the Fockers 8
Midnight Cowboy 7
Outbreak 7.5
Papillon 8
Rain Man 7.5
Runaway Jury 8
Sleepers 7.5
Sphere 7
Stranger Than Fiction 7.5
Tootsie 7.5
Wag the Dog 8